Job Title: Principal Resource Mobilization Officer
Country: Kenya
Company Name: Kenya Marine and Fisheries research institute(KMFRI)
Starting Salary: Ksh 116,410 – KShs. 151,334 P.M
Apply on or Before: 29 Apr 2024
secCountry: Kenya
Company Name: Kenya Marine and Fisheries research institute(KMFRI)
Starting Salary: Ksh 116,410 – KShs. 151,334 P.M
secTerms of Service: Permanent & Pensionable
i) Contributing to the development and execution of policies and plans to gather funds from various sources such as individuals, bilateral, multi-lateral, and private organizations
ii) Identifying and delineating potential areas for gathering resources
iii) Recognizing, assessing, and documenting gaps in fundraising efforts within the Institute
iv) Developing and revising fundraising tools to ensure consistency and alignment with the Institute's goals
v) Creating interdisciplinary project and program proposals to attract resources for supporting the Institute
vi) Seeking and competing for consultancies related to marine and fisheries allied natural resources to enhance the Institute's resource pool
vii) Facilitating partnerships and collaborations with other research organizations and universities through Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) for joint research and training
viii) Establishing joint plans and activities with partners as outlined in active MoUs
ix) Maintaining and updating records of partner support effectively
x) Analyzing the partnership database to inform policy decisions
xi) Coordinating the development, budgeting, and reporting of work plans and progress within the department
xii) Ensuring quality control and efficient use of aid for donor projects
xiii) Providing training and mentorship to scientists and attached students in resource mobilization to enhance resources and career advancement
xiv) Analyzing donor policies, practices, and consultancy opportunities for timely engagement
xv) Assuring the quality of ongoing donor projects to meet anticipated outputs and objectives
xvi) Promoting the visibility of the Institute through marketing efforts and participation in lobbying forums
xvii) Coordinating teams in responding promptly to calls for Letters of Interest (LoI), Concept Notes, and Proposals across various platforms
xviii) Engaging in internal discussions and forums to understand Research and Development needs and debates for informing fundraising strategies and proposals
To qualify for this position, candidates must meet the following criteria:
i) Have a minimum of six (6) years of relevant work experience, with at least three (3) years in a Senior Resource Mobilization & Partnership Development Officer role or a similar position in either the public or private sector
ii) Hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce, Project Management, Corporate Communication / Public Relations, Community Development, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, or an equivalent qualification from an accredited university
iii) Attain a minimum grade of K
E C+ (Plus) or its equivalent
iv) Obtain a certificate in Negotiation or Persuasion Skills from a recognized institution, with a duration of at least two (2) weeks
v) Obtain a certificate in Resource Mobilization from a recognized institution, with a duration of at least two (2) weeks
vi) Complete a Supervisory Course from a recognized institution, lasting no less than two (2) weeks
vii) Demonstrate a track record of good performance in previous roles
viii) Possess proficiency in computer applications
ix) Meet the requirements outlined in Chapter Six of the Constitution